Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Paris Fashion Week: Street Style

A few looks I found on Harpers Bazzar, a few smart ideas on what to throw on this winter n how to throw it on!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Cosy up in chunky mens cardigans!

Thought I would do something for the guys, variety is good every now and then :)
Heavy chunky knits are a great buy this winter, choose the right style for your proportion and you are good to go!

For those that are afraid of color but want to get away from grey try this.

Bright colors are not only for summer days, this winter go crazy with color!

Basic cable tie design cardigan, classic

Add a scarf plain or cable tie design to finish off your look or to add color.


Yes that one that your grandfather used to own or still owns, thats the one im talking about!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


There’s a new fashion issue in town, if you haven’t heard about its called Grazia. It’s a weekly issue and it was first in stores on the 18th of May, yes I am a tad late but I wanted to see more issues to assist me decide if it was for me or not! Its target market is woman in their 30-something who are in the know and of course globally savvy......I may not be in my 30-somethings but I can relate to it.

It's filled with fashion fashion fashion and more fashion as well as interesting features and no I am not being paid to blog about it but I love to give credit where its due, nice one Media-24!